Share, Tag or Dye
Share, Tag or Dye is a program for coagulating the dialogue between Romanian and international artists, respectively between them, other cultural agents, and the general public, through an online-offline hybrid structure. Involving both the professional and amateur public, along with the general public, in the sustainable development of contemporary art by questioning issues related to the shaky established structures of the cultural scene, which require awareness, transparency, and redefinition.
The program takes place in annual editions, expanding the installation, respectively the collaborative network, slowly and patiently, into an ever-growing decentralized international collective along with a network of partners and organizations that actively participate in changing the cultural sector worldwide.
Share, Tag or Dye is a partnership of Atelier Allkimik, Experimental Photo Festival, Alternative Photography, VAGon, and Malmaison Studios. This project is financed by the Romanian Ministry of Culture.
Curatorial text from Atelier Allkimik.
Share, Tag or Dye
Camera Cluj
Curated by Sabina Suru
March 31 - May 20th, 2023
Cluj-Nàpoca, Romania
Share, Tag or Dye
Atelierele Malmaison
Curated by Sabina Suru
September 2 - 24, 2022
Bucharest, Romania

Camera, Cluj-Nàpoca, Romania (March 31 - May 20th, 2023)

Camera, Cluj-Nàpoca, Romania (March 31 - May 20th, 2023)

Camera, Cluj-Nàpoca, Romania (March 31 - May 20th, 2023)

Camera, Cluj-Nàpoca, Romania (March 31 - May 20th, 2023)

Atelierele Malmaison, Bucharest, Romania (September 2 -24, 2022)

Atelierele Malmaison, Bucharest, Romania (September 2 -24, 2022)

Atelierele Malmaison, Bucharest, Romania (September 2 -24, 2022)

Atelierele Malmaison, Bucharest, Romania (September 2 -24, 2022)

Atelierele Malmaison, Bucharest, Romania (September 2 -24, 2022)