Cloud Watching (Ongoing)
Cloud Watching is a series that explores on an international scale what happens when photography “fails,” producing abstract and fragmented images that challenge our expectations of photographs as faithful representations of reality and as a medium for preserving memories.
Since 2023, I have been collecting discarded negatives from various countries, including Brazil, Portugal, France, Turkey, Japan, and Morocco, visiting flea markets, connecting with people online, and collaborating with processing labs. I then partially remove the photographic emulsion, allowing new stories to emerge from glimpses of other people’s memories.
As society becomes increasingly saturated with images — through social media, advertising, and AI-generated content — we are conditioned to respond instantly, often without reflection. This project invites viewers to pause and reconsider their relationship with photography. Like pareidolia — seeing shapes in clouds — these images invite viewers to draw meaning from their own memories and understanding of photography.
If you would like to donate film negatives, slides, or other archival images to this project, please reach out via the contact form using the following button!